E's birthday
E’s birthday. Happy birthday E! You are a gift. Every day you teach me, every day I learn through you. You teach me love and patience and tolerance and gratitude; gentleness, kindness, friendliness and comfort; care and tenderness, humanity and joy. I am learning so much through you that at times it overwhelms me, makes me blind. Slowly you are soaking into me, penetrating my pores and softening me. It is a process, E, and thankfully you are patient and gentle enough to manage it, for the softening of this one is a tough ask. Thank you so much, you are gorgeous.
You are a new spring dawning, a fragrant white flower blossoming. You are a bottomless well of possibility, a creator, creative spirit burning. Your beauty shines brightly, magnificent warm light flowing through you. You are a path to freedom, my very own yellow brick road. You are the sun and the stars and the moon bundled up in one, stillness and movement in unison.
E, I love you and all you are to me. Thank you.
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